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Citric Acid

Citric Acid

Citric acid is a remarkably versatile substance, serving as an excellent alternative to lemon juice, a flavor enhancer, and a natural cleaning agent. Store in a cool dry place.

In soda making, citric acid serves two key roles:

Enhancing Flavour Citric acid plays a pivotal role in elevating flavours, especially within the beverage industry. It imparts a delightful sour and refreshing taste that beautifully balances the sweetness found in many drinks. Contemporary chefs also rely on citric acid to refine their culinary creations, enabling them to fine-tune dishes and harmonize any undesirable natural sweetness.

Preservation Thanks to its inherent acidity, citric acid serves as an outstanding preservative for both food and beverages. Its acid content creates an environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria, making it a valuable component in long-lasting products. These encompass preserves, canned goods, meats, savory snacks, and confections. Moreover, citric acid proves invaluable in preventing fresh fruits and vegetables from undergoing oxidation and turning brown, a boon for chefs seeking to maintain the freshness and visual appeal of their culinary creations.

For the food scientists, citric can also be used for:

Stabilisation Within the dairy industry, citric acid finds extensive use, particularly in cheese production and processing. Its acidic properties foster an ideal setting for stabilising emulsions, effectively preventing the separation of fats. Furthermore, it serves as a pH adjuster in the manufacturing of beer and wine solutions, ensuring their quality and consistency.

Antioxidant Citric acid's application extends to processed frozen foods and as an additive in certain fats and oils. Here, it enhances the effectiveness of antioxidants, significantly reducing the rate of product deterioration. This not only extends the shelf life of food but also contributes to a reduction in waste, ultimately ensuring that food stays fresher for longer.

Regular price $1.00 AUD
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